Tuesday, April 19, 2011

You are beautiful:)

 This reminds me of what Bird said to me one day 
"You deserve to be happy"
It meant a lot. I can still remember how it reaches through my body, touches my soul. 
That tingly sensation that radiates through my center. I was awaken by that statement. 
I'm astonished by the vibe caused by these simple words.
So simply beautiful.
I smiled. It feels as if all these while, I've been waiting for these words to be said to me. To tell me that everything is alright and I can be myself, take care of myself, my body, mind and soul. I can take a backseat, relax and most of all be happy. 
It's interesting how Bird and me are connected. As I was writing this, Bird sent me a text which writes 
"You are so beautiful"
So who's the beautiful one here?
Bird, you are beautiful too my dear. 
You are lovable:)

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