Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dream dream dream

Bee is very very sleepy and strained. Went back working today and manage to catch Puss in Boots with Bird and of course get precious hug from Bird! It's really a great feeling knowing and feeling that after a day's hard work, there is someone out there waiting to give you a hug :)
I just can't bear to sleep at the moment though my mind and eyes are hardly awake. 
Anyway, I found this lovely blog 
and I'm into a dream again...

Good night.
Wish I'm walking on snow, bathing in the sun and wild. Smelling morning and fresh flower.  

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy excitement

Bee is really really excited now! Suddenly all my exhaustion from work seems to dissolve and my mind and heart is lit up! hehe..
Finally took the first step to the Bee and Bird dream after thinking and wondering and hoping.. 
We finally found something that we both feel strongly for.
And the amazing thing is that just weeks back we were drawn to the place nearby after a random walk through a kampong. I still remember the walk, the sunset and the birds. They are in my hearts.
And now we found a place at the edge of the map with an island opposite! woohoo! hahaha I can't help to fall into a deep dream with this image. hehe 
Excitement within excitement. 
Yea.. I'm feeling excited because of my excitement. It feels like the rare occasion that I'm excited about something in my personal life rather than work. Now I have something to look forward to. Something to garner my energy for it to come true. hehe 
And we both have good feeling about this. Somehow I can't help thinking that we are guided. Guided on a path to experience such greatness in the beauty of the place.

And this excitement now kind of makes me see and feel that energy and light I'm looking for. It feels so different when you are out there following your heart, pursuing your dream and persevere to make it come true based on your values and beliefs. All these while, work is good, brother bears are nice and lovely..but somehow there is this void. This void that seems to drain my energy. This gap that needs energy to perk up, to ignite. But I didn't know what.. perhaps because I didn't know how it feels. 
But this moment now, I'm feeling good. I'm feeling I have the energy to do a lot more than what I now did and it's time.
Why do I do what I do/ gonna do:
To bring sparks, to ignite the soul of individual or company. 
*Getting really dreamy..while sipping on warm cooked cereal..feeling the future and my values*

Monday, November 21, 2011

Horses in wilderness

Bird sent me an email of these wild horses from here
I love horses! for their free spirit and energy. It just charms me so much.
This inspires me to study on horses! Listening to soundtrack from the show "Spirit" 

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Little Hootie

Power of love

"Unless you love everybody, you can't sell everybody"
"Help me to help you"
"If the heart is empty, the mind doesn't matter." 
Watching Jerry Maguire and is inspiring, making me laugh and cry and just cant wait to put the points down here. Yes I'm writing down thoughts as I watched as I got a goldfish memory.
Side track from the movie..
suddenly feel like putting effort to dress up in an elegant style just for someone:)
and being a woman, sometimes it's really the small things, small gestures that touch your heart and makes you smile.

A show about mission statement, sports, friendship, personal relationship and most of all; love.
Love completes us...and perhaps love is what we are here to learn. Love is a simple yet powerful word.. or to me.. its one of my greatest values. There is simply nothing to say or do if it's not for love. Love heals, love sparks, love can do so much that we didnt think was possible.
In a lot that I do, there's gotta be love. I wouldn't call myself a romantic person nor would I call myself a people's person. But I'm not shy to speak about love. Love is what gives me life. Love is what I pour into my relationship with people and work. There is just no other way. This reminds me of how I pound on my heart and told Brother Bear that I put all my heart and soul into writing a piece of whole in it to share with people...sincerely.. but in fact underlying that...what sparks me was something greater than that.. which I just realise as I'm writing this. I was trying all my best to express the mission statement whom I believe is what makes the company ticks and people sticks. There is no other way. It was a moment hard to forget. A moment of tears, emotions, passion and most of all love. Why do I feel so much for this company? I asked myself. How can I ignore what others may say about the bosses and how small is the company. How can I still feel so strongly that I'm here for something great despite people thinking I'm a little fish in a mini pond. How can I put up with unreasonable things that brother bear said and crack my brain to achieve it in a logical way. Simple reason; Love.
I didn't know all these fire in me till I was speaking out loud to Bird recently due to some "disagreement" with Brother bear. I don't remember exactly what I said..but I do remember exactly how I feel so strongly. There are many things I couldn't understand and can't agree on some way the management make decision. All I see is people before me. People who love to be loved, people who can't wait to love. Be it customers, or fellow colleagues. This is what keeps me going.

Aurora lights in my room

This is what I woke up to this morning. Aurora lights right in my room! hehe I was trying to figure out where did the colour of the lights came from. It's beautiful!

Love and my photo journey

Love this open field. Love living in an area where I can witness the beauty of blue sky and green field. To me, that is really an energy booster!

 Lovely little flowers:)
 oh and here's 4 books in my bag!!! jeez! don't I look like a student preparing for exam! haha so much about laughing at Bird for bringing tons of books out.
 Snap this picture on the bus..just as it turns into the highway. Love the lushness of the green!
 Life's a journey of wonders if we are quiet enough to pay a little attention:)
 Sunset we snapped through the bus window!!! it's really pretty! and most of all I so in love with how both Bird and Bee can hold a camera together in each other embrace to snap a beautiful scene like this!
I'm so thankful:)

My journey

Had an unexpected interesting journey yesterday.
Here are some lessons learn through the day:

1. Recollection and connection - 
Sometimes it doesn't matter how far we have gone or how long we have not meet up with someone. We just keep them in our hearts. And a simple text shows a great lot of care.

Went to Jurong to settle some stuffs at a bank. It's been a long long time since I took bus to that estate though it's really pretty near my place. I arrive there, feeling quite alienated. Walked into the estate, looking for the bank. Passed by a row of shops and suddenly someone pop into my mind. A close friend during my secondary school days. Those days we hang out there after school. Decided to text the friend whom I haven't seen in at least 4 to 5 years. 

2. We can choose the perspective to look at things for the better. Loving and believing in what you can do creates wonder and make things possible.
Roam around the estate like a tourists and decided to go take a look at the library. It's nicely lit up with see through glasses around the building which means readers can look out to the nature lights while reading. Lovely:) I endup sat between rows of shelvings, browsing through some retail design books. And I just love what I do. Love being in the retail design scene. It's something that a designer do that has a direct impact on business and people. Something more than design on paper, but designing an experience. Inspiration pours in. Instead of being pissed with my other little brother monkey for doing a half baked renovation because of budget constraints. I picked myself up and browse through books to think of a way to make everything pretty within budgets.

3. Everyone needs some forms of gratification whether we know it or not. It's alright. When we accept the fact that no one is perfect, we become a better person. Remembering values is the key to each of our lives. 
Text brother bear a pic of a retail store in Stockholm selling headsets with ipod as demo. It feels nice being able to share things with Brother Bear. Something that gives me more energy. Though that awkwardness is still there, but I choose to not bother about it. Whatever done cant be undone. No point explaining or claiming right or wrong. It's not easy for me to do this as I dislike being misunderstood. But then again, I look into my values, my belief, my core. I do love Brother Bear. As much annoying he can get sometimes, he's like a little child who needs gratification. And that's also what I find him adorable and almost the one reason that pulls me back from exploding full blast. Because, whether we know it or not, do it or not, everyone of us seeks some form of gratification. And that's perfectly normal and alright. 

4. Appreciate little things. We can choose to enjoy life in our small little ways.
Hop on a bus, embark on a long journey to the east to find Bird. Took some pictures while on the bus, feel like I'm a tourist on a tour bus. Each leaf in the wind. Birds flying pass. Sunlight embracing everything. There are really to appreciate in nature. 

5. We can choose to be happy or in pain. Remembering love is the key. To give and open to receive.
Passed by an estate. Lots of memory. Some seems like just yesterday. A place which I dislike to be reminded of. A place of both sweet innocent and depressive moments. I used to feel my heart ache and anger rages for the unjustified moments. The place feels so familiar yet distant. Somehow it just doesn't matter anymore. Forgiven and forget? Hmm guess it's neither of that. It's perhaps more of a realization that nothing is forever and so does pain. Memory too will be gone one day we passed on. We can choose to be happy or in pain. I choose to be happy. I took on a different perspective at looking at those memory. Looking at all the ups and downs roller coaster rides in my life. I can't help but to let out a smirk, a smile on my face that wow! I really lived life! I lived my emotions. I lived love. I lived those moments. Instead of regrets of what can't be undone or explained, I appreciate what I can do and have now. I'm so glad that after all these ups and downs, I'm now well with doing what I enjoy, loving someone who I feel really great connection with. And loving many others; family, friends, colleagues, little birds and cats I meet. I'm thankful being loved by many too.

6. It's not about how close we are with someone. It's about what we do to be connected.
Meet Bird and took a bus to another estate to collect stuffs. It's interesting, passing by there is another set of memory. My poly days. Those journeys of roaming in school. And where I met Chickie. My dear friend, where we will always stick together. I will eat lunch at the canteen where she can eat vegetarian food. We are almost always out away from our other classmates. And oh one more person to remember here, Charles.  A dear little skinny lovely boy! Who is now happily married! wow! Time flies man! Used to stick to him to get information on deadlines, help me roll film into the film developing canister in the darkroom. I have never ever do it alone successfully. I'm always in lala land somehow and he will be the one who wake me up to meet deadlines. We werent really really chose because I'm just too much of a loner haha or sticking with Chickie. But he is a dear friend I remember fondly. I regret not attending his wedding. Now to think that, I should! Because for someone who didn keep in touch to invite me is really not easy! And this sparks me to attend another friend's engagement party on Xmas eve next month! Again, it was a surprise when he invite but I'm so glad that he did too. I used to think that it's awkward to attend someone's party when I'm not really close. But taking on a different perspective, from the view of the person who invite. Wow! he actually remember to invite me and share the joy though we don't see each other much.


Sunrise is beautiful:)
Took this while I was saving my work early in the morning. 
It's beautiful, the air is fresh and my sleepiness is uplifted by the sight of clouds and sun rising into it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Random note

Saw another dead sparrow just at my office building. Second bird of the month. And it only occurs to me now to google about dead sparrow. 
Come across this and though being a non christian..the verse actually captures my attention

God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall
by Maria Straub 1874

Verse 1
God sees the little sparrow fall,
It meets his tender view;
If God so loves the little birds, I know He loves me too.

He loves me too, he loves me too,
I know he loves me too;
Because he loves the little things,
I know he loves me too.

Well there are many meanings interpreted from a dead bird. But guess it's all about our perspectives and how does it to our current situation or state of mind.

Found this about dream of birds
A dead bird, other than a crow or other carrion bird is a request to put life into the pursuit of your goals. Don’t just sit and wait for them to come to you. You need to get the off the ground.
haha it's funny how we tends to choose what relates to us does it mean we actually have our answers right in our heart.

Blue blue bee o_o

Bee is feeling so blue today and past few days and maybe weeks..
pondering for a reason..
1. Work and life have always been as one..and now that it feels more n more apart. I feel a piece of me missing somehow. 
2. Saw a classmate posted a Xmas tree she decorated for her home. It kind of makes me so jealous (I know jealous is a bad word but still im being honest with my feelings)..
I know exactly how to fix a Christmas tree. Can do it within 15 minutes I guess. But I have never really get to feel the real joy of setting up a Christmas tree at home.
3. Feeling on a cross road. 
4. Dislike leaving things unexplained or unsorted out but yet there are things that concern other humans, you just can't get it sorted out on your own. 
5. Bee needs challenges and the sense of belonging. 
6. I still don't think there is anything wrong with how I reacted to things. It's only normal for a person to explode if for the past 9 months ... all I did was to follow instruction, convinced or not..trying my very best to support, only to feel left out and then to be thought as not interested is ridiculous. 
7. Have been so unproductive. Productivity is not measured by how much things I do.. but how much things I enjoy doing. 
8. I didn't sleep well for WEEKS! So much as that I didn't enjoy sleep as well.
9. I need something to look forward to.. short and long term.
10. Need to feel in sync with my values and purpose

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bee gone mad! n loving it!

I met an angel today.
I feel the power arising from the very pulse of my heart. 
I feel the energy pouring into the universe, dancing with it. 
I feel each beat of the galaxy. 
I feel the speed rushing through my veins.
I feel the beats speaking to me. 
I met an angel today.
And the angel is the music within.

I'm in a little madness! But that's what driving me forward now. 
And I'm loving the madness!

"the great timing to do things is when you don't know what you can or cannot do. Because at this moment, you will simply just do it!"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Random note

Love what's said here:) 
This gives me energy for a Saturday morning trying to get things done.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Songbird for SoulBirds:)

SongBird by Eva Cassidy. Beautiful voice

Over the rainbow

A rainy afternoon. Birds gathering in the trees as raindrops fall. Listening to this song. "Somewhere over the rainbow" lift my mood somehow and makes me smile:)

Somewhere..there must be a rainbow waiting for me to greet with my smile.

random rumbling

Listening to this.."Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind"-radiohead.. makes me slip into another world..a familiar one 6 years ago.. Maybe I should after all do what I do best. Tonight, I'm missing my milk monkey and drunkard bunny. They are not my greatest piece of drawing. But they are souls. A boss is always a boss, the sweet lovely process of putting beautiful display of monkey in a little transparent box, creating a world of its own for the little plush monkeys will never be fully understood or even felt by the boss. Things changes, progresses and being swept to progress. It's an endless cycle, circle. 
Maybe I'm just feeling that bit of nostalgia, the joy of working together with some lovely people, making small things work with big hearts. Boss said he's going to do away with plush toys, replaced them with gadgets. As much as I agree to what he said that the trend of plush is almost over. I have a silent thought in my mind, a question that would be obviously redundant to ask; how about the inner child, how about those who ultimately still long for "someone" for a hug in the days when iPhone just seems too cold to hold or everyone is too busy with iPhone to give a hug. I miss the time when I do the first cuddly cushion massager for Mother's day. Something inspired from receiving and giving hugs to my mum. I miss the time I crawled into a display, placing each little tortoise plush in its new home we created. Who is gonna to design for these people who wish to connect? 
Maybe that's why I'm so eager to feel and connect story from the gadget stuffs so that I can still feel the energy and truthfulness to share. I didn want to change him. I just want to tell a story, but in order to do that, I need him to hear the story first.
Anyway.. Yes. I'm calling him Boss here and not Brother Bear because I can't feel and see Brother Bear now. Although deep down, he's there. Deep down, he's one of the people I respect most.  
well well getting really drowsy with the baileys dancing in me. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Letter to Brother bear

"Singapore has so much nature to offer as a city. Have you crawl into a mangrove swamp here while jogging along a park with urban modern infrastructure? Have you take a close look and realise how many beautiful colourful birds there are in this city? Have you notice those butterflies that are attracted to flowers which are purposely planted to attract these beautiful creatures.  When is the last time you ever witness birds flew past a beautiful colourful sunset in Singapore? When have you really relax and walk around town and notice how this little fallen leaf lying on the ground with light illuminating its each and every veins and how a woman pick it up so gently. Have you sit along a river and look at how the rain drops fall into the water, like as if its dancing on the surface on the river with beautiful ripples? This is perhaps the one and last thing I want to say. I do understand what you want and guess have already done up what you taking all those pictures that way. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that you havent notice all these. You probably have in one way or another. I do. I love my little country and uniqueness of how I can climb into a swamp and feel like in a different world and climb back up and there I'm in a modern park connector with hdb flats and building. I amazed by how Singapore sun set can be so beautiful that I don't have to travel abroad to realise there are such beautiful colours in our sunset. I'm grateful that Singapore is one of the path that migratory birds passes by and I manage to catch a glimpse of a flock of huge white birds flew pass the sky so silently that would have gone unnoticed if I didn't look up into the sky. How many of us look up the sky?"
- an excerpt from a very very long letter to Brother bear

A letter that titled "A very long letter I hope you read" 
In my almost 6 years plus working with Brother Bear, I have wrote a number of letters to him, mainly to share my feelings and thoughts that we perhaps can't really see eye to eye at a moment.
But this time round, it's written with a feelings of extreme polarities. The burning passion and love and the coldness I feel I can't bear with any longer. Be it field of distortion or simply absurdity.
Anywhere else you work, you tends to get situation where people, clients don't see eye to eye to things. That's perfectly alright. But just being here, I feel for each and every pieces of things I do. Most people would leave a company when they just don't love it anymore. I, if I ever do leave, it will be because I love it too much.

Bee and Nature

Let the wind lifts your wings. 

Let the light dance on in the dance of the lights.. Flow with the lightness of your heart:)

Monday, November 7, 2011


I will always reach out for you:)

Souls as one

Bird's Dinner of yong tau foo

Bee's supper + dessert!
I just thought it would be interesting to remember this moment. We both had a long Sunday afternoon snooze since we didn't sleep for the whole Saturday night. Decides sometimes we should let each other enjoy some "solitude" time to get in touch with ourselves, our inner self, to reflect or simply to just be alone. Aloneness is an essential in many ways, especially in relationship. It gives the time and space to reflect, rejuvenate or simply be ignited by a new awareness:) Aloneness can bring people closer at hearts, which is very very Very Important! People are in contact with almost everyone they know most of the time, thanks to all the social networking widgets. It's nice to stay connected but guess it's also important to stay connected beyond these widgets and really get in touch with each other's soul. 
I love how Bird and Bee can be on our own, doing our own things, yet still feel our souls connected as one. An occasional texts along each of our own journey teaches us the magic of connection which is essential in a relationship with anyone; 
1. In many occasions, I have seen couples who deem texting each other as a must do thing or an extra thing to do when they are together long enough. However, being together long doesnt mean no need for communication. I personally appreciate little texts of greetings or simply someone sending me a text asking how am I.. It really is the thought that counts. Reach out to someone to let them know you care, you are with them even if you are not physically beside. It means a great lot!
2. It's not about reporting to each other. It's a little thing we can do to show we are in touch. 
3. We can be apart and together at the same time. 
4. We are never really apart when we are souls as one.

oh and one more lesson learnt; being apart gives us time and space to appreciate and enjoy each other's differences. Bee and Bird are kind of the same and different at the same time. Bird is an Owl, a solitary Bird who enjoy being in stillness Bee being a Bee, is quite a buzzing character who enjoy buzzing around with chains of activities. So how does the Bird and Bee travel together. We complement quite well! Bird calm Bee down into some quietness and reflective mood. Bee sparks Bird into life! haha or so I think! hehe get it moving moving. hehe

I love us:)

We were having our dinner and supper seperately but it feels so together too. 
I love you Bird:) 
*I'm so grateful to have you in my life*


Lovely Christmas songs put a smile on my face! I love Christmas songs and these are a few with a different note. Below is a little intro found on the page I found these lovely tunes:
"Sometimes, do you not just feel a little over-bombarded with the superficial, razzmatazz of Christmas? Granted, it is the one time of the year when we can just let rip and pretend to be jolly even if we are not, but Christmas can also be a time for quiet reflection, with simple and uncomplicated musings. Often, this kind of intimacy with the season can be sought through a music which is not concerned with commercialism and is somewhat more obscure. Indeed, balanced upon this delicate line, are these emotional and poignant songs. This is a blend of beautiful and haunting songs that faithfully echo and merge the true spirit of Christmas with winter's melancholy."

Gay Burton

Found this music while searching for some songs on the starbucks playlist that Bird found! And it's pretty! I love how little things makes me smile and enjoy so much! Like searching little pretty music to come to find a lovely tunes along the way:) Good Morning Monday!

The Ultimate Gift

Just finished a very meaningful show. 
The Ultimate Gift
It is inspiring, loving and worth to remember.
Here's a list of gifts presented in the show:
Gift of Work
Gift of Money
Gift of Friends
Gift of Learning
Gift of Problems
Gift of Family
Gift of Laughter
Gift of Dreams
Gift of Giving
Gift of Gratitude
Gift of a Day
Gift of Love

I have them all:) It is amazing how simple a gift can be. As long as we take notice of our life and be appreciative, we have more than we think.
Thank you for these gifts.

Back into the wild

Back Into The Wild... A Collaboration with Sully Sullivan from Jewell&Ginnie on Vimeo.

Loving this by Sully Sullivan


Breakfast @5am! with Bird

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lovely lovely

Found these lovely little videos by evertale. Watching them kind of bring me to another world..and reminds myself to slow down. Breathe in the world and moments instead of rushing through it with pantings and stress. Nice:)

Passion, Desire and energy

Mid way through my long weekend "holiday"! and guess I have been quite productive over all. 
First of all, at least I managed to convince myself a little in combining what I visualise for a brand I'm working on with what my boss have in mind. Though I still find something missing in between. Something important. But guess there is not enough time to debate with boss so I just go ahead for a first draft while I trying my best to make some sense of his "vision" and work things out. Hmm but I just feel strongly to find the missing piece!!!
Anyway it doesn't matter if boss find me unproductive since I have been submitting the stack of stuffs late! But I always believe in starting not perfect but with dignity and confidence. "You cant win the game if you can't even convince yourself that whatever you are doing is of a great cause" In such a fast forwarding competitive environment, there is no time to ponder over an idea halfway through. Your competitor will have caught up by the time you figure out. So to begin with a value to give is the key. 

What else did I do? Listen to Steve Jobs' biography during my journey traveling in train. I'm not a fan of him..but true enough perhaps like many others, I have more than one product from his company. What is it that he has done right, a black horse from amidst of such densely populated industry. An industry where mostly has become a commodity has a new lease of excitement during these Steve Jobs' time. 
A few things crossed by mind while listening to his bio:
1. Abandoned or Special - it's all a matter of mindset and belief
2. Belief is so powerful - It can create miracle where you may not even be aware of consciously
3. Passion and Desire - I'm still thinking which comes first, which is the core? Most people talks about passion to do something. Got the definition of Passion from Dictionary: "any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
Strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor."
So can I say that passion is fueled by the desire to do something. And that desire is driven by love for that something? hmmm worth some thoughts. 
4. What does my passion lies? What is that one thing that I desire to do? What is that one thing that I would enjoy such adrenaline rush to do irregardless of money? What is that one thing that I love doing so much? Being working in a company for quite a substantial number of years can keep you so comfortable in a bubble but at the same time diminish the burning fire to do what you love most. 
5.  So I asked myself today. 
This is what I jot down in my iphone notebook:
I desire to put life into something, to get a chance to inject life into something and see it come alive with a wholesome soul and energy! That gives me so much life! I believe in the power of love in many ways and this is one of it. That love for life, that love of living it full! Connecting the dots backwards, I feel the most joy and life when I'm given a chance to breathe life into something or share the news that everything, everyone has that energy (tap or untap), it is there! Right in the heart of each person, each company. I feel the joy when I see how a simple sharing with someone could make their eyes sparkle with life! I feel the joy when I see someone living in its full potential and enjoying every bit of it. Life should be enjoyment as much as it is a challenge. I love how I bring life to a product by injecting life in its packaging, envisioning. I love how someone sparkle when I could lead them to view things in a wider perspective so as to reach their inner potential. 
 I met Bird to catch the movie "In-time" that is probably a grand metaphors of how our society is being programmed to be. That time is money. Time is the currency. It's already happening for years, decades, centuries? People work their life away..they call it earning a living. That's exactly what is happening in the movie and to many people. We don't earn a life. We are gifted with a life. How are we gonna live a fulfill life? Yes as a matter of fact, we work for a salary. But is that all? If that is all, then are we human missing out the point? Remember we are already life itself. Each breathe is all we have if we take a microscopic view at it. There is nothing we can bring with us to anywhere the moment we stop breathing. We are just a empty shell. We are gifted with life and soul, so live it! Explore! Explore and reach out to the energy within, unveil the power hidden within your soul. Live in all dimensions, travel as you connect the dots, slow down to take in each moment of your life. 
Haven't have sleep for the last 12 hours I supposed or perhaps more. Watched two movies, followed by reading at Mcdonald with Bird. Though I was mostly drowsy. I do want to read. But just haven't find a book whom I feel connected to, something that can help me perhaps for the state of mind I'm in now.
So I endup reading magazine, articles about two guys adventure of traveling from Alaska to some part of America by bike! Amazing! I do sometimes secretly crave to have such adventure! haha and another article about this man who lived in the wilderness for 30 years, away from civilization, enjoying watching the wildlife, fishing and writing journal. Love such stories! It never fails to inspire! 

Next have breakfast at Mcdonald with my dear Bird. It's been a long time since we just stay out in Mcdonald, reading, me dreaming.. haha I would love to catch a sunrise!!! But too bad its mostly raining!! Good thing is that we finally caught sight of birds hiding at the top of pillars in Raffles Hotel. There are chirping to the morning! So full of life! So innocent! So pure! 

And back home with headache and tummyache and cough! haha Had a long hot shower, cleared my tummy and took my cough syrup, a panadol and expecting myself to be super duper sleepy. But instead I don't know what strike me! I have an urge to read! To learn, explore new thoughts regarding business, life and design (All my love). It's been a long time since I read any business book. I remember how reading those used to give me so much energy and my mind will get so excited doing mapping, reading case studies and research on business innovation or the integration of design thinking into Business. I would map out stuffs, share it with boss. But somewhere along the line, I lost that vibe. But somehow maybe lack of sleep does spark something eh. I miss those time studying marketing and reading up how to apply strategic thinking into business. I don't believe there is  business which just can't be worked out. I believe every business, every idea can be transformed into a business. The only challenge is why are business doing what they do and how committed they can be to make things work.  
And suddenly I got curious about the book that Bird is reading! Well I know Bird been reading it in front of me for a few days now! But it just occur to me in this manner. haha maybe its a combination of everything thing that leads me into this. So instead of sleeping, I went searching for an online version. I want to know how people do things and why. I have this great urge for knowledge suddenly. haha finally "numbskull" bee reignite the passion and thirst for knowledge. Perhaps I have been waiting for this time to come! 
Quite amazingly, I actually found a pdf version of the book and now I'm missing those moments of being at the business section of Borders bookstore. Somehow I feel the most connected to such books at Borders than anywhere else. Borders Borders... I miss you. haha

Ok enough of my excitement. It's time to take a snooze. Though I'm actually thinking of going teahouse to read! haha mad!!! or maybe I could make my way there in my dream:)

Bird is probably snoozing soundly now. I miss him too:)

morning dew

Morning dews taken by Bird

Friday, November 4, 2011

What it takes to stay

Come across this article. Simple concept but yet it's what we probably overlook. 
These are the points mentioned which I think it can really helps a lot..
1. Be Willing to Look at Your Crazy
2. Know That This Too Shall Pass 
3. Have a Full Life
4. Bring It All Back In To The Relationship, Again and Again
5. Contribute Good Ingredients to the Stew
6. Take Responsibility for Your Experience
An article worth reading:) 
Time to sleep. Missing Bird somehow. 
Still having a running nose >_<