Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bird and Bee in the Magic Garden

 Once upon a time, Bird and Bee found a gigantic acorn in the magic wild garden!
 A magic song was in the air..they traced the melody drifting with the wind..and there they saw two birds, so beautiful it takes the breathe away. The beautiful song was from these birds. Their feathers were glittering under the sun, reflecting the rays of light and love. Bird and Bee hug each other, rejoice over such a beautiful touching moment for they see themselves in those lovebirds. They smile in the serenity. Looking into each other's eyes, they know they have found each other's soul just like those lovebirds, they are Soulbirds together in these magical garden. They have finally found each other.
The song "I finally found someone" embraces them, bless them with so much love:)

 Bird took out its camera quietly to capture this beautiful moment as Bee breathing all these moments.
 Suddenly, the earth shook and a mushroom grew out of the ground. A lovely red mushroom with white polka dots greeted Bird and Bee, as if to say "let's celebrate!"
 Bird and Bee:)
Birds watching how those Soulbirds living, loving so beautifully.

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