Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Soul-made gifts for Bird

I finally painted a T-shirt for Bird. Wanted to paint birds, but thought I shan't be too ambitious so I painted feathers! I love the rawness of it all, especially tying it a hand drawn card to the end of the twine to wrap up the T shirt. So that's the first soul-made gift! 

Soul-made cookie crumble! My first attempt to bake cookie! It didn't turn out to be the lovely heartshape cookies I imagined, but well we got a surprise! Cookie tiles and elephant named "A" without a trunk! 
So guess my forte still falls back on packaging! Love doodling in ink! 

oh! And thank you my lovely master baker Hermie who stood beside and guided me along the way! 
Overall, it's an interesting fun process! 

1 comment:

  1. I love every bit of these soul-made gifts! The cookies, the t-shirt & the labels! Awesome!

    The best part is to have my nephew tell me the t-shirt looks great on me!!! & no I didn't ask him for his opinion... he just stared at me as I was unlocking the gate & said: "nice style"!

    I was staring at the print on the t-shirt as I bathed... thinking: "what is it that I like about this?"

    Other than the fact that it is soul-made by my soul-mate... what captures me is the light emanating from the print...

    I use light in my photography, in an attempt to capture a glimpse of SOUL... & I see that same light reflected in this print created by Bee...

    Just as we are able to see the moon only because of light from the sun reflecting off its surface... when we are able to put our heart to work, infusing our creation with love & light, SOUL shines through...

    This work of art is soul-made with love & light indeed... it definitely defines heartwork :o)

    Bird is soul in love with Bee!
