Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This post is dedicated to a bird

Yes! This post is dedicated to a bird that sparks my morning with his beautiful singing:) I was walking with weary heavy steps as I heard a beautiful rhythmic voice singing away, I followed the singing and found this bird. (I googled and not sure if it's a bay backed Shrike) I stood there for awhile, enchanted by his singing. Though probably it isn't me that he is trying to attract. Haha. It leap from branch to branch, singing proudly into the sky:) awww it makes me smile!

In fact, it seems I shared such affinity with birds today. This morning before I got out of bed, not sure it's a dream but I heard birds singing so beautifully n loud near me. It was a sparrow. Not because I recognize the singing but somehow something in the dream drawn me to realize that is a sparrow.

As i was reflecting about my encounters with birds..somehow this quote "his eyes is on the sparrow" appear in my mind. And somehow I am feeling yes perhaps god or the universe is watching over me.

And as I hop on a cab, the uncle told me I'm his best customer of the morning because my perfume smell so nice:) especially when he encounter several man passengers who seems to carry an odor. Haha so I'm delighted to refreshes his senses. And at the same time I'm feeling good that somehow says such nice words to me:) hee
And before I alighted, the uncle wish me goodness in whatever I do and a good day:) of course I wish him too:)

It's a small gesture, but I'm feeling alive and loved. How often do we receive such blessing from a strangers? How often do we give such blessing to strangers, passerby of our life, people who stroll pass us in our life movie?

I'm thankful:) I am loved:) and I love you all.

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