Monday, June 27, 2011

I miss you

"It's possible to miss someone anytime anywhere even when the person is near.. Because the state of mind of each individual is never exactly the same.."  - I have told many about this..but mostly I just got a puzzled look and others just tell me "I will miss you when I'm away or when you are away." 
No right or wrong.. But I'm just thinking what's the point of missing someone and not able to tell the person when the person is no longer around. 
My point is say it when you feel it! say it when you appreciate someone being around. say it like you may not get a chance to do so.. Human are so prone to fall into the trap of complacency and taking things for granted. 
Tell the person you miss him/her when you feel it.. there is no need to wait for the person to be gone to say so... I'm missing some good friends now.. hmm.. Listening to all time favourite..and fallen into reminiscence..not able to sleep.  
Hold me when I'm around. I'm not immortal. 
Live like there is no tomorrow. 
And Bird..
I miss you.

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