Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Big dog don't find me adorable

So I thought big dogs are adorable...and naive enough..thinking that maybe they will find me adorable too, I went closer to them, trying to snap a picture of them smiling at me! 
And apparently they don't find me adorable at all! 
They snarled at me with a stare so frightening and showing off their fangs that for a moment looks like the icon on Darlie toothpaste. 
I'm shocked as if I never anticipate that to happen..well seriously, I didn't...haha
My reaction.. I almost throw the only thing available in my hand which is my iphone baby! 
But I'm glad I didn't because that would only trigger them more to run after me since they have no use of iPhone. haha
Oh and smarty me opt for the ostrich way to pull away with the situation. I pretend that I'm invisible and that if I don't look at them, they won't see me. 
I breezed passed, breathing relief! 
And now I have phobia for big stray dogs!

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