Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Feather, Bird, Mr Mime.. and a little story about Seahorse missing black bear

Bird found a mini feather for me!
Feathers seems to follow him!
Inspires me to keep the project going:)
It's nice to have something personal to do beside work eh...
Talking about work..Little Seahorse is kinda missing the black bear and really really really disappointed with Brother Bear for chasing black bear away! (Though not sure what happened..but we are a family isn't it? a family with lovely people..who love each other and embrace each other through thick and thin isn't it? I still love to believe so... I still remember how Brother Bear told me that working together the most important thing is to be happy..if we work till so upset then we have missed the point. I remember that hug as he said that.. so have Brother bear miss the point? Hope not. Yeah I used the word "Hope" - a word that I almost never use..but here I'm hoping and this means something.)
Hope is a word of courage from Bee if no one realise it yet.
And today is a special day for Bee.
I added "Hope" as a label in here:)

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