Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wonderful world

Watched a show "Wonderful World".. I didn't know what it's about nor where did that show come from..it seems like the one show that's speaking to me.. Oh and this is the second time I played it. I probably only catch 5 mins of it when I watched it first. 
I love the show! Love the title "Wonderful world" I have always be in love with the word "wonderful"; it's such simple childlike word that resonates..
Fishes raining from the sky..Magic..love..appreciation and being in the moment..
"Magic is everywhere..Feelings are magic..What feelings can do to alot of person..it's like chemical reaction..we both love him...let the feelings talk" - a part from the show that makes me feel warm...and reflect on my beliefs and values..

Do I believe in magic..not really..Since a kid, I'm always skeptical about magic..instead of indulging in the world of magic..I plunge into a world of finding out what's the trick behind the magic. Sometimes I wonder how can a kid be so critical about the world and myself. 
From the day I was in school, I'm critical about how I perform academically.
Strangely, I didn't remember much from when I was 5 years old, but I remember how that feels to be jealous about not being the top of the class..and upset as being just forth.
I still remember how I hated dancing class because I just can't bent my leg high up enough like others did. I can't do somersault and I was ashamed of it. And I quit. Well..not exactly quit but my parents decide that my passion isn't really there and it's time to move on to start a "proper" studying life. 
Thinking forward now..I always feel this connection to dance. It's like maybe there is just this soul deep in me that can only be expressed through dance. Watching people dance touches me. I tried a few times to dance..in my room with curtains all drawn, door locked. It felt like I'm almost free, but I withdrew..because of the mind. "I didn't know how"....but nevertheless..I indulge myself in visualizing these whole steps and movements listening to rhythm in the music..each beat synchronizes each touch of the toes on the ground...or each rise of the hands in the air..with fingers caressing the air breathing through each molecules that embrace you. And it makes me feel so good and liberated. 
So do I believe in magic?
I guess as much as I would say no with my "logical" mind.. I can't deny that these feelings of molecules and amazing synchronization of rhythm and movements is magical.

Oh and I'm thankful that Bird found this show somehow or another. 

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