Friday, August 8, 2014

People we met one way or another

How many people do we pass by in our life? How many faces do we recognize? How many people we missed while we hurrying through life? How many people have our eyes met but went separate ways without a word? A little girl look in my direction as I walk along a park. I caught her eyes but not knowing whether I should look back at her, I forward my steps and passes her. But the way she look at me seems to stir something deeper in me, which lead to this series of questions or rather ponders. How many would we meet again in this lifetime.. Where would we be? 

Questioning these invite my consciousness to be in present, to give attention to people around me at this moment. How do they look, what state of mind are they in? What are they doing? What conversation are they having? What's in their mind? How much assumption we made every day? What other perspective is possible?

Here's a little of what I observes in my commute to office: 

A guy in pastel green shirt holding a bottle of drink that look like lemon honey. The drink drip from the bottle which is probably not tighten enough. He did not notice. 
A lady in black to shirt, speakin over phone via a earpiece. She laugh as she talk, covering her mouth. She is wearing a pair of flats that have a what look like faux snake skin texture. Her hair nearly bun up, pull to the back. Her face is clean with touches of pink blushes. 

Two college girls look pretty alike. Maybe twins. One is tanner than the other. Both have beautiful wide smile. Both carrying same bag design. 

There is a lady breast feeding her baby beneath a aquatic blue covering cloth. 

I can go on and on. It's fun. It's insightful. It's intriguing how humankind don't seems to give much attention to its own kind in daily life. It seems we are living, thinking we are all separate entities, we are each individual. Most of the time we didn't think we have enough time to give attention to anyone else except ourselves; our job, our challenges, our life..our desires.. etc. 

We are big smart mammal with a small view. We grow bigger, having more and more but our views seems to become smaller and smaller as we grow. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Beautiful gift

I feel so touched so touched...listening, watching, feeling how someone expresses her talent so naturally and beautifully. And this is exactly what I love to do. To live authentically and express my truth. My truth in longing wanting, to inspire people to express their gift. It's a beautiful thing.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Just finished watching Suits Season 3 Episode 14. Filled with so much emotions at the moment. Love this episode because I can relate to it so much. It simply contains layers and layers of what is presented in my phrase of life right now. Between that feeling of stuck and hope. Well. I'm keeping this episode and shall watch it again some day.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Molecule of music

This got me smiling, grinning in awe of not so much of the music, but the community spirit. The surprise of bringing classical music to the street. Look at how everyone seems to be brought to their feet, how those children "join in" the conducting of the piece of music with their fingers in mid air, flowing with the rhythm, totally immersed. It's such pure joy to experience how little things like this bring so much pleasure to so many human beings that everyone seems connected at that very moment where the music is playing. It's as if each tune of the piece have permeate through the little air molecules that we breathe in and and out all together, hand in hand.

Monday, February 3, 2014

life's moments

Alright I'm still having"hangover" from the "lunar new year holidays" which seems all too rush and unrelaxed. Back in office, but my soul is apparently still gathering itself. Yesterday was the rare time where I stayed over at Bird's on a day that follows by a working weekday. Maybe it's the tension I'm giving myself about having to wake up early to settle in to a unfamiliar routine, or maybe it's the fact that I'm feeling seriously behind time for my "plan" in 2014. "I gotta hurry up" is what I have been hearing at the back of my mind these days in almost whatever I do, wherever I go. Of course there is this rare occasion of being totally in the present and doing some random hill climbing because the birds are too hard to resist. Anyway, I had headache even before I slept, took a pill but didn't solve much. My mind is just too noisy. Woke up at 0345am and couldn't get into sleep with a slight pounding in my head and lots of noise. Tossed and turned in the not too big bed, be careful not to fall, trying not to wake bird up, trying to relax my shoulders, trying to sleep. But trying is a terribly job sometimes. The more I try, the more tensed up I get. I set into a frustrated mode, sat up on bed, started coughing, looking at the closed windows and can't wait to get fresh air. Vaguely glimpse through my surrounding, be careful not to knock things down, walking in and out of the room. I heard myself screaming inside "what the hell are all these", "why and how can anyone live in such an environment", why can't Bird for his and my sake, reorganize the living space. To me, all I see is unnecessary mess. Mess that can be cleared, reorganized for a better "feng shui". I was frustrated and feel unimportant at some point. It was all spiraling down inside me. I need to cool off. My head is still pounding. Noise like "who would put a bed in a living room" (it is to me unacceptable because living space is so essential to me in how they make a person feel and grow), "why is there no mirror above the basin"(it is such a basic thing in my world view), "why is the room not prepared to welcome me as a new member"(flashes of how even though my friends dreaded to move in temporary with their new partner, they at least get proper bed and neat space prepared to welcome them). I can't see light in that darkness for those moment. How I wish Bird feel me and give me a hug. I gather myself to shower, open the front door for space to welcome me in and give me that embrace I so desperately need at that moment. Birds are chirping. I closed my eyes, listening to them, feeling the breeze, seeing the moments where we climbed the hill slope randomly, the birds chasing, the innocent moments of supporting one another during moments where we both in fear, moments I am so touched by little things Bird did, moments where Bird grin at me with an almost child like face. I replaced frustration with appreciation and gratitude. I went in back to the room and sit quietly beside and watch Bird's sleeping away, finally able to have the whole bed for himself. My heart smiled a little. The understanding that it is not that he didn't want to make me feel better but perhaps every individual of us are doing what we think is the best. It is how he live all these years. It's not wrong. Just different.

I went back out to sit in the living room with cooling breeze and birds songs. This thought came to me.. " As much as this is so true and I'm so appreciative to have found my dear Bird, maybe this notion about the "One" should be taken in a broader view. It's not about finding the "ONE" and stops there. To be the "One" with one another involves continuous understanding, explorations, appreciation, love and give & take. Any relationship is a work in progress. Never take "having found the one" for granted. Respect and appreciate the One is essential for a relationship to grow and enjoy bliss and joy.

It's interesting that I came across this article  just few moments ago, seems like a perfect sync to what I learnt from the self reflections moments, while I under go a change of mental state. Don't expect people to make you feel good. Know what makes you feel good and do & think more of that.

Bird is up. We headed off to work together. A smooth breezy journey with sun rising in orange gentle glow, birds singing, we even stopped by the road side to admire little weeds and flowers growing through cracks on cement walls. We shared breakfast. We held hands. In the end, these are what matters. To be together in each other's life. To learn to appreciate what we have in our hands.

Of course, I still so looking forward to our own little nest!!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Quality of life vs Standard of life

I actually had a brilliant morning! A fulfilling one! Here's what I have done so far:
7:30  Woke up naturally. Stretching. Breathing, feeling alive watching my hands in the morning light. (No sun though. A cooling morning.)

7:45  Do my "squats" and "semi push ups" (Well I'm still working on doing a full one. One step at a time."

8:05  Sit on my rainbow "meditation cushion" and peep at the clock to see how long I could sit still. (Target 30 mins). Closed my eyes, crossed legs position, looking at the back/ inner darkness of my eye lids (well this is what is commonly told during those brief meditation workshops), "watch/ feel" my breathing through my nostrils (not quite successfully, because half the time, I'm trying to locate my breathes and in turn I get kinda out of breathe), watch the thoughts pass (well, there sure are so many thoughts (like a traffic jam during peak hour, didn't pass that smoothly. But well first timer. At least I remember that it's ok to have a little noise here and there. Good thing! I managed to stay pretty still and sit pretty straight while not intensifying my body. There are birds chirping, construction going on, buses moving, curtain flapping in the wind. Fan moving.....) Not exactly a meditation, but it's a first step and I decided to give credit for that. Oh I realise, for goodness sake, I am such a person who put in effort for almost everything I do, even breathing or relaxing. The thing is relaxing and effort doesn't seems to be that good friends of one another.

8:30  Voila! I managed to open my eyes and there it is the clock strike 8:30! 25mins of sitting on my magic rainbow cushion. Washed up and head down to park behind my house.

8:40  Slow jog in the park. Good breeze. I do love this park more because it seems less people walking around. (Remembering what I read about posture of jogging, fingers gently touches palm, breathing 4 times in n exhale 4 times out (according to AR), chin not jutting out (I realise this is a very good point, I seems to be able to breathe more while remembering to keep my vision ahead but not jutting out my chin for breathe), knees bent a little but not too much, lower legs not stretched out too much. Well I didn't manage to jog complete round the park, but for someone who a week ago was catching breathe walking that park, today's seems like an accomplishment.

9:00 Head home (which is just climbing a flight of stairs up. I feel damn good that I climbed those few steps without the usual heavy panting) Saw a resident cat sitting, snoozing on the bonnet of a car, parked beside the void deck. Didn't have any phone camera with me.

9:05  Took sips of water slowly and regulate my breathe. Sit beside my dad, have a little chat about daily affairs (news on new policies and price hike of public transport, his knees hurting), soothe his knees by touching them slowly and telling him he got smooth skin. Little touch and conversation but means a great lot to me.

9:30 Shower time!

9:45 Bring out laundry for some sunshine or breeze

10:00 Sitting at my desk (I do look forward to a new right height desk and chair when we moved into our new nest because current desk height and chair is not really conducive for working.)

10:20  Done with posting this here. Time for breakfast!

*Note: a little reminder for myself and anyone else... we all know health and our body is the most important thing, physiology is at the base of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs (one of my favourite idealogy) yet all these while, I was trying to scale that pyramid and get to the peak of it (which is self actualization) without accepting or acknowledging that I didn't get the foundation strong enough. Knowledge is one thing. Our daily action is what matters. Sometimes things happen for a reason. A week ago, I fainted in the train, yea dropped blank on the floor, perhaps without a minute of consciousness, my body went numb. Breathing hard. There is a sudden fear of what if this is it. The peak of self actualization not only seems furthest, it seems the least important at those moments. All I wanted was to feel my body again, to be able to move my every body parts at my will. (This is really such an amazing gift that most of us seems to neglect most.) Laying on the hospital bed, watching how water/ glucose was connecting to my veins and flowing into my blood. This is another "revelation"; whatever food or drink we took goes into our blood and tells a story and quality of our life. This is such a simple knowledge. I'm sure we all know. Clearly, knowing is not enough. I always believe in setting goal, grand mission of our life because it determines the standard of our living. But what is more important is not standard of living, it is the quality of living. Standard of living could mean getting certain amount of monetary values, the pride of being accomplished, the ability to give and create. Quality of living is a whole new dimension; it is how well you breathe, how we are working with our body as one literally, what we feed our body, our blood (that's our life line), how clear is our mind, how agile is our body. Our each pulse is a gift and we are given the responsibility and the chance to take good care of it. (I never feel so strongly about this or perhaps I am not even aware of these little skipping of my heartbeats till the moment I was laying on that bed, tied down with wire and drips, while all I could do is watching my heart beats on the little monitor beside the bed.) To live is not to set goal. To live is simply to breathe.

I'm thankful for life. I'm loving it. Every seconds of it.

Time for breakfast!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Soulbirds union with love and joy

Soulbirds are married! Finally! Yes! I'm still listening to "Love is a gift" song as I'm writing this. This is my new life's anthem. Whenever I hear this, I'm filled with so much gratitude and love. For two person from different life to finally unite as one new life.. it is such a joyful moment. It don't just happen overnight. It takes lot of patience, understanding, love and most of all gratitude & appreciation. The certificate of marriage is nothing compared to the a year long of preparation processes, the little hiccups, the differences in concept of planning. It is really quite a process! We were terrified being caught in such process that involves more than just us but families. To think back now, it is perhaps a necessary step to prepare both of us to grow to a next stage of life. Always find a way to work together. Be patient and always holds gratitude in your heart is the key to all relationship. We are fortunate to have friends, loved ones around us to support us and make our wedding a blast! yeah! The moment just before you said the vow is one moment you wont truly understand till you actually doing it. I always wonder why do woman tears during the vow. I thought it was about being so touched. But being at that moment myself, I think its a mixture of anxiousness and gratitude. Anxiousness in taking a leap into an unknown, making that commitment that you will stick together no matter what. Gratitude in having found this person you are willing to take a leap with, you are willing to hold his hands wherever you go and grow old together with. It is no small deal. I'm like a bird, I love to fly, explore and wander. To finally meet someone who can fly together with me is what I'm really grateful for.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Lesson learnt today: Why we should start our own business.

Working for a company. If you get a nasty boss, or situation. That's it. One and only.

Working as a company yourself. Well you may meet nasty clients too. But the more nasty client you meet, the higher chance to meet more good ones!

A date

It's been a while since I update my being here. Too much updates, too little time. Too fast a thought, too soon it passes.
Listening to "marry you" and reminiscing time with bird. So here I shall begin with my date with bird! There is this cycle where you r in a relationship for some time and the exciting spontaneous moments seems to fade away. Almost everyone tell me this is parts n parcel of a relationship. "It's like that!", people said. But well I'm not an "it's like that" person so I decided to make it a point to go out with bird n call it a date! Yeah! What difference does it make..some may question. We do movie, we do dinner, we take a stroll. We do that other days too. Guess the difference is calling it a date heighten our awareness of moments together and give time for us to connect, instead of being buried under work conversations, reading of books. It perhaps also creates a space where we take a look up close again at each other. The eyes, the hair.. The voice.. The little things that you notice when you first curious about each other. And at the end of the day, I get to go through reminiscing the date we had and being thankful of bird going along with me on having a date and didn't shut me up as being crazy to ask for a date. 

Guess we all have the power to create the kind of relationship we want and live to it. So why simply brush your desire away and tell yourself "it's just like that" Why live with "just like that" when you can create more and live the relationship you wish to have. 

Enough of my musing, here's us in a new found jap restaurant that has nice cold soba! Love how the whole place look so authentic Japanese. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Strange economy of happiness

There are so many self help books, videos, workshops on happiness. Everyone wants to be happy. Happiness is a commodity that value appreciate when demand of it is desperately increasing. There are endless book titles claim to help one teach lessons on happiness. People are paying expensive wprkshops to be happy. Retailers are spending big bucks on campaign to "sell" happiness. Think BMW's Joy campaign, Coca cola's joy factory ads. Price tags for happiness is sky rocketing. But there is another side to the economy of happiness that works in a strange way. The demand of it only increases the price tag of it, but not the supply of it. At least not in a sustainable way. Simply because no one can really supply us happiness except for ourselves. We can fulfill our desire by paying for those price tags. But it's a short moment of thrill more than happiness. I am sorry if this burst your bubble of hope. Good news is you don't have to wait for the market to distribute happiness stocks for you. You have all the power to create happiness and enjoy in whichever ways you wish. Breathe the air in bliss, feel your senses interacting with the world, enjoy the freedom of imagination. Sustainable happiness is a conscious choice. One more good news is that unlike other commodity where scarcity would result in ugly hoarding of it and ridiculous pricing, happiness will never be depleted, there is an abundance of it if you allow it to grow through gratitude, appreciation and love. And even better, the more you give, the more happiness you grow in you! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lose yourself to dance

love this video:) feeling much love and joy arising. And yeah can't wait to lose myself to dance. haha

Monday, June 3, 2013

Asking good question

"These days when young people tell me they want to be lawyers, I tell them to go for it, but be aware that the real thing is nothing quite like the movies." -quoted from an article written by an IT journalist in the paper, speaking of his experience of discovering how being a lawyer is not meant for him after working in the law industry for 4 years. The article is beautifully written and most of all, it strike a chord. Well I'm no lawyer. Toy around with that idea long way back when I was still in elementary school. But decided designing is more exciting. Yeah! I get to create and have a chance to make a difference or so I thought. It sounds awesomely cool to be called a designer isn't it.

2 years in design agency proves to be more depressing than exciting. Late night works, last minute changes to make logo bigger and fill in catalog with as much products as possible as requested by the client. We don't get to deal with clients directly because there is a role called account exec. That means we have no voice to speak and sell our ideas at all. I got out of agency, grasping for life, doing occasional freelance works and it's just so common to meet clients who take freelancers as "free lunch" literally, not paying or late payment for works that consist of endless amendments. Went on with a few other stints as insurance advisor, computer art teacher for the kids and etc. I never really lose my roots in design.

I'm lucky to meet a toy company and got in as a designer who does almost everything under the sun. Of all things I learnt over the course of my years being a designer, something I'm glad I didn't missed out is that no matter what you do, what you work, eventually it all comes full circle to a lesson of life. I learn about love, giving, truthfulness, big hearts, managing expectation, making the best out of emotion. What I remember most of my days as a designer are the zest in the discussion of a "big idea" with colleagues, friends. The little sweet and sometimes silly things people do.

I have seen friends parting the glamourous ad agency and doing completely different things but with so much more fulfillment.

Time will change, glamour will fade, dream will change as we grow. Movies are fictional. The fact is there is a long story, hard work behind every job, every role. It is up to us to make it a love story.

Work is love made visible. "- Kahlil Gibran

I'm thankful of all lessons I get being a designer. It gives me the space to reconnect with myself and constantly challenging myself by asking question out of the box. In life as much as design, asking good question proves pivotal to a breakthrough.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Birds birds birds

Just finished watching this show! Love it! All about birds! of course, in the end, its all about love, family and that buddy of yours. I never knew there are so many species of birds, or rather, they are never in my "radar" until I met my Bird of course. Through a series of synchronicity, messages birds bring. I grow to be so in love with looking out for bird (No, I'm not doing a big year, I just love those moments of excitement as if time stops right there for me and my Bird).

Some ways I learnt to better spot a bird;

1. Listen. Listen to the singing. You can pretty much guess the size. Based on this tiny info, you can look out for nearby trees for tiny birds.
2. Listen again, Listen for the distance and direction where the bird is.
3. Be patient. Don't move hastily. (Even human would run away, let alone birds.)
4. Walk slowly, one foot at a time. Be in tune with each step you take, get into a rhythm, momentum with the surrounding.
5. After a heavy rain, birds are out to clear the worms.
6. They go where the fruits, food are. So look out for trees with fruits.
7. Look out for little corners where birds may take shelter from.
8. Be in love with each moment you are in.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Grateful for these questions by Anthony Robbins

Questions by Anthony Robbins tip of the day came in just in time this morning, this moment.

1. What is great about this problem? 
It let me gain the clarity I need, like what Dr. Seuss said sometime the questions are complicated, the answer is simple. 

2. What is not perfect yet? 

My dream of being someone who do meaningful work that contribute to life in this universe. 

3. What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it? 

Comfort/ Stability Sacrifies. Hard work. Have faith. Disregard anyone who tell me I shouldn't do this.

4. What am I willing to no longer do in order to make it the way I want it? 

Meaningless work, waiting endlessly

5. How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?

Love wildly. Appreciate the simple things in life. Do good. Give more than I take. 


"You see, ten years from now, you will surely arrive. The question is: Where? Who will you have become? How will you live? What will you contribute? Now is the time to design the next ten years of your life—not once they’re over."

— Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within p. 31-32

Once upon a time, I poured my heart into you. I gifted you my heart, soul and being. I envisioned a long future with you, fighting alongside any battle come along. But it seems just like money depreciates, my heart, soul and being depreciates in your world. It's time to redeem my heart & give it the voice it deserves, design my life to contribute meaningfully, live courageously and love what I do passionately. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

This is me

Love this photo of myself. An eclectic woman. Dreamy and practical. Imaginative and logical. Strength and softness. I'm here. I'm this.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Let the big one do the work

"Everything is going to be alright. Everything is taken care of.
Each has its ways.
Everything will be just fine."
- some simple words that helps me to relax.. And it works. Once in a while, its good to let the bigger energy do the work.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Your life is a practice

Read this full article from the master shift by By David G. Arenson ND

It's such a good reminder for us to love ourselves. 

To transform mind, body and spirit requires cultivating self-love.

Here's a few points to transform your life from the article:

FIRST KEY: Activate awareness of self and self-talk.
What do you say to yourself perpetually?
Do you listen to your thoughts, filter them, question them?

SECOND KEY: Clean and purify the body vessel.
Your body is your temple. It serves you. It represents you.
As your temple, if you do not treat it as such, you’re unlikely to develop or enhance self-love. Destroying your body does the opposite of engendering self-love; it is self-defeating. Your body not only serves you, it is also your manifesto. Treat it as sacred.

THIRD KEY: Spiritual Refinement
When you connect to the essence of spirit, something changes within. It doesn’t matter what your spiritual or religious belief is, even if you believe in nothing, or you’re an atheist. What matters is that your practice some refinement of the soul.

If you don’t already have a daily devotion like prayer or meditation, explore the available options or create your own daily practice. It is never too late to start. For some, it is time spent playing or listening to music, that uplifts their soul. For others, it is a combination of things. I have never heard anyone tell me it involves TV watching, traffic or work!
Make the time to develop your relationship to yourself via doing something that uplifts you.

FOURTH KEY: Personal Communion
Every day, you require “me” time in order to be centred.
This time is not selfish, it is essential for personal wellbeing. In this time, you can develop your thinking and refine your sensibilities. It may be in the form of a quiet walk in nature, a bath, or time alone in meditation. This is your greatest investment in YOU!

FIFTH KEY: Develop a Personal Vision and Purpose
What are you doing here? Just waiting for the weekend to start, or for the next TV show to begin? Or is there something deeper, greater, bigger, bolder? Is there some goal that is beyond yourself, something that defines who you want to be, your statement to the world?
Develop a personal mission statement that works according to your values.
This is the next step in personal evolution and happiness stating who you are to the world.

SIXTH KEY: Your life is your practice.
Ultimately, your lifetime is a sum of actions, experiences and how you spent your time. How would you wish to be remembered?
Your life is your practice – so how would you wish to spend it?
Only you can answer this question.

Time to practice:)

Groovy Monday morning

Love these song, it makes morning so sweet. I may have wrote about how I love Zooey Deschanel before. Yea I love her style, her voice, her quirkiness. Listening to this song while having my chocolate milk with cocoa crunch, browsing some favourite blogs: ohjoy and ohpioneer. They are not affiliated in any way and it is also now when I wrote the names out that I realise both begins with  "Oh".  Pure coincidence or synchronicity, oh I love them.

Before I sleep last night, these words came to me; It's perfectly alright to not know what we are doing or heading, the real success is in knowing how we can be happy in doing whatever we are doing, wherever we are. So here's how I meet success:

I know what colours make me happy; Orange/ peach/ vintage mustard yellow/ grass green and turquoise.

I'm grateful for having lovely, really loving people around me.
I still play like a kid. As curious as one still.

I watch cats play, live, eat, stroll where I work and live.

I hear birds singing oh so beautifully when I wake.

The sun is bright.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


What is the one work I could do that would put a smile on someone's face and my own when the day faded into night where I could reach home to me and give a pat on my shoulder and says "You did well today. You made someone a good day and that's the best design you could ever do."

Some say I'm workaholic, but I would just say I love to love what I do and do what would make someone fall in love too. Love is a romantic thing, but perhaps not in the typical pink or red roses way. Love itself is a romance and each romance is a story. Each story has a beginning and an end. And all that's in between is magic; soulfulness, space and time.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The art of asking "What if"

Rainy Sunday. Picked up a book before I left house. A book is more than just contents, it is a companion, someone to listen to, share thoughts with. With pages into the book, a number of "what if" questions pop up in my mind:
What if...
- I could do whatever I love, express whoever I was and make a living.
- I could be an artist, designer and business woman, all in one.
- my best asset is my eccentricity..( something that keep me entertained and kind of proud of)
- eccentricity is exactly what people crave, desire for.
- giving and the love of taking time to understand and identify the inner desire of someone to prepare or match gift with the little details of a flower or a ribbon is what really fulfilling.
- there are many wild beings awaiting for someone to unleash them with colors and unpretentious rawness
- just follow my heart naturally bungs the sustainability and money
- I could explore the world as I look for resources for my art and selling them
- I only have a day more... I would do all of the above in one day.

One thing at a time

"One thing at a time" - is the mantra that slips quietly to me today as I get caught in wanting to do several things at a time. So one thing at a time it is...

Saturday, April 20, 2013


So yeah back from the family trip.. Still haven't sync out some of the photos..
I got a little edgy since I'm back.. Maybe the weather, maybe I just long for some time away from commitment for family. Or maybe its simply after being giving, I need some time to give myself a little piece of peace. Or maybe its my mum telling me of what other people says about their trip in Taiwan n get my mum in a comparison mode. That definitely doesn't make me feel good. I enjoy watching them playing and enjoying. I want to leave it as that. I want to reminisce moments in the mountains n the ocean of clouds high above ground. Because frankly I didn have enough time to really being in that moments. Every moment I was worrying about my mum not being taken care of or feel left out. So now I'm back.. I wanted to feel more n retrace back all those moments, those scenery. My dad was saying when's the next trip.. Lets go Korea.. All because his friends say is nice. Well secretly.. I want to go somewhere less touristy. I wanted a trip for myself. Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Holland, Alaska, Turkey.... Well I love traveling. I'm still amazed with how I could wake up at 530am every morning without alarm during my one week trip. Why couldn't I do it here? What's the magic? Maybe because there is a sense of adventure, a sense of wonder.. A sense of emptiness. Why are we only entitled to 21 days of leave each year at work when there is so much time to explore possibilities outside. In the name of productivity, human just make the world smaller and limiting ourselves from an abundance of possibilities.

Traveling makes us remember what family is all about. Watching out for each other and being together.

Traveling opens up possibilities and perhaps open us up to a different level of awareness.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Into the Wild

Good wild morning! Well many thoughts have come and pass, sometimes in between reading a good book, sometimes in between my "ecstasy" over a cup of caffeine and of course, there are other times when I simply just prefer to feel the moment then to focus my head down on my device typing away. I have been having this "wild" word hovering above within me lately. I listen to Wild horses by Natasha Bedingfield yesterday and today somehow I get hook on Soundtracks of the movie "Into the Wild", a movie which I watched from rented DVD years ago. A movie that evoke questions in me and set some part of me longing to be with the wilderness. I don't call myself exactly adventurous person, but I love to be in awe of so much wonders in the wild. CURIOUS is perhaps a better word to describe me.

For those who haven't watch this movie, it's worth watching. Listening to the soundtrack now makes me want to watch the movie again over a cup of hot coffee. What is one thing you long to do but haven't get to it?

There are many on my list and the list seems constantly growing itself. But guess I shall keep it simple.

Here's a two:
1. Find my mission and do something that I could look forward waking up to and with a smile or even laughters on my face every moment, feeling my heart in tune to my body and soul.
2. Travelling to Finland.

Of course there are two things which I'm happy I'm finally getting to it:
1. Bring my parents for a holiday. Looking forward.
2. Getting next stage of life with Mr Owl:)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

random musing

Everyone has a voice.
To transform, we need to cast away the past. Look no more but forward into the future.
Experience speaks louder than words.
Be true and speak only the truth from your heart. No illusions, no motives.
What have we been repeatedly doing and fail. It's time to not redo, but kick star.

Something that get the bee not too happy. Or simply uninspired. Giving is not an act. Giving has no objective. Giving has only open heart. Giving is a gift. Giving is a genuine connection. Giving is not about helping. Giving is about understanding. What understanding have you given today?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Just finished reading a chapter of a friend's newly baked story. Yes! A fiction of course! It's amazing feeling reading it, immerse in another world of possibilities. I'm not a fiction person or perhaps I think of myself that way because there are so much to read as learn and do. I tend to choose business or spiritual book over a fictional story. I love watching fantasy, cartoons though. This moment I realise there is something about fiction that I could use too. It expands our imagination and filled it with endless possibilities. A great rejuvenation to the mind and perhaps the soul too. Seriously, I can't wait to read another chapter. Oh and knowing that this is a chapter born out of so many unborn chapters got me really excited! I hve visuals full my mind as I read the story. The yellow jelly thing around Anna and the machine. I can literally hear myself telling the story to children now with all the woo and ahh and acting the multiple roles. Amazing feeling.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

An unexpected smile

Have you seen how people try to dodge eyes contact from each other while they are having conversation?

Have you met someone who seems to be always full of gloom and find it hard to smile?

Have you hear how people say its time to grow up, stop being a vagabond and get serious about life?

Have you met anyone who seems to be always unhappy about someone, some incidents?

I was standing in the train when this little girl in the arms of the mum, look up at me, looking straight into my eyes. Her eyes were black n sparkle with a world seemingly alienated from we "adults". I look straight at her into her eyes. She smile. I wasn't smiling. But her smile makes me hard not to smile back. So I exercise my face muscles abit and kind of squeeze a little grin at her. (I wasn't in a smiley mood at the moment) She smile more.

And she look away n suddenly let out a laugh and a shriek. Want to be happy? Observe how a kid live and express themselves.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A bag

Bag: a suitcase or other portable container for carrying articles, as in traveling.

I'm proud of my new red stripe tote bag.. First; it's only $2!! Second; its light and serves its above mentioned function. Third: it feels so cozy hugging it, holding it in the palm.

This gets me thinking how is the level of satisfaction different from when someone spent on a $2000 bag. Personally I receive a great sense of enjoying my little great find:)